The dog is shown in its natural state
with very minimal grooming to preserve
its rustic look.
Living with the Berger Picard is trying
and rewarding all rolled up into one.
They do best in an experienced dog home.
They are a very affectionate dog with their
owners but cautious of strangers which
proves challenging because they garner a
lot of attention wherever they go. Owning
a Berger Picard means you will get very
use to the question, “What type of dog is
that?” Or people guessing everything from
a mutt, to a miniature Wolfhound to an
extra large Cairn Terrier.
Due to its cautious nature, care should
be taken to ensure interactions with
strangers are positive experiences. I don’t
know how many people have run up to my
Berger Picards and tried to hug them due
to their “cuteness.”
The Berger Picard was originally bred
to be a herding dog that also could guard
the French farms, which explains their
weariness of strangers. To overcome this,
Berger Picard puppies need to be brought
up with a solid foundation that includes a
lot of socialization and training. Owners
should take great care to enrich the dog’s
natural drives to work whether that be
herding, tracking, agility, obedience, nose-
work or another type of activity that gives
the dog a purpose. In the show ring, the
Berger Picard commands attention but its
natural leeriness of strangers means extra
emphasis on training the stand for exam.
Training the Berger Picard can prove
to be challenging as they often can have
a stubborn side, yet they are sensitive and
can take exception to being reprimanded.
Great care must be taken to ensure positive
training methods are utilized. They do best
when they think training is their idea and
they are reinforced with praise and treats.
Using clickers and shaping work well
with the breed. Being that the Berger
Picard is an intelligent dog that thrives with
mental stimulation, when showing, I often
incorporate play into our ring time to keep
them focused.
Around the house, the Berger Picard
is an active, loyal family member. Due to
their intelligence and strong work ethic,
they do best in an active household that
Living with the
Berger Picard is
tRyInG AnD
All RollED uP
Into onE.”
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