Judging the Russell teRRieR
By JoAnn Stoll
he Russell Terrier has
arrived. We are thrilled
it has been so well
received within the
ranks of AKC. It has
been described as cute-
as-a-button, with a happy, confident char-
acter by those who have become enamored
with the breed.
But please remember this grand little
terrier is far more. We have a mandate to
preserve the original form and function
of this old working breed. We ask Judges
to be diligent in helping us preserve their
unique qualities. The essence of the Russell
Terrier is the size, chest, agility, rectangu-
lar silhouette and proportions.
The Russell Terrier originated in Eng-
land as a type of fox working terrier. It
garnered the respect of the English fox
hunting sportsman during the 1800s
because of its prowess in the hunt fields
and became renowned all over the world
for its unique qualities as the ultimate
working earth terrier. It was a predomi-
nantly white, agile terrier with courage,
nose and intelligence. When the fox
entered the earth the Russell was used to
bolt the fox so the hunt could continue.
Its flexible chest allowed it to work effi-
ciently below the ground, able to traverse
small tunnels to bolt the fox. The Russell
was carried on horseback in terrier bags,
requiring a handy size.
Both the Russell and the Parson Rus-
sell derived from the Reverend John
Russell’s working terriers. Although the
two developed into distinctly separate
breeds, the difference between the two
is very subtle to the novice. Both require
the f lexible chest and agility required
to hunt successfully. The height, pro-
portions, and the slightly rectangular
silhouette of the Russell differ from the
“The essence of the Russell Terrier is the
size, chest, agility, RectangulaR
silhouette and pRopoRtions.”
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