Oh My! There is a
Canaan DOg in My ring!
By Christina Miller
Canaan Dog Club of America, Inc. - Judge’s Education Chair
ot everything you
have heard about the
Canaan Dog is true.
They are not feral
beasts that would rath-
er bite you than look
at you. Quite the opposite is true. They
would much rather flee this situation than
face confrontation.
The past decade has seen vast improve-
ments in temperament in the ring. This
improvement is due to breeder’s improv-
ing temperament, more experienced han-
dlers, positive ring experience and proper
socialization of the dogs. Granted, there
is always room for improvement and
there are a few things you can contribute
to this improvement.
There are many key things you can do
in your ring to set a wary or inexperienced
Canaan Dog at ease. If you have judged
sight hounds, you should have no trouble
with a Canaan Dog in your ring. This
breed is very alert and in tune to their sur-
roundings. They are naturally aloof with
strangers, but have a strong desire to please
their handler.
• Allowing the entry to gait around
the ring once prior to examination is
the first key thing you can do. This
allows the entry to become familiar
with its surroundings. It also affords
the inexperienced handler a moment
to settle down.
• Please allow a bit of time for the han-
dler to stack their entry. Try to avoid
direct eye contact with the entry during
this time. Once the entry is stacked and
ready, approach with confidence – not
dominance. It is best to approach at an
angle – not directly from the front or
side and NEVER from the rear.
• Once within close proximity, it never
hurts to exchange pleasantries with the
handler. This helps the entry to realize
his handler is comfortable with your
proximity, thus he should be comfort-
able as well. This can also ease a nervous
handler, in turn relaxing the entry.
• First contact of the entry, assuming
the entry is relaxed and you are com-
fortable, should be a gentle hand under
the chin. This allows the entry to feel
unthreatened. A few kind words to the
“The past decade
has seen
The ring.”
, F
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