met Peter when I was 16 and he
was 27 years old. We had both
purchased elegant, black Afghan
Hound males from repeat lit-
ters from Coastwind Kennels
around 1971. His “Graffiti”
and my “Nassim” became top champions.
Peter then sold me their niece, Ch. Elmo’s
Pajourah, as a five-month-old self-masked
crème puppy. What a thrill and grand time
we had as I had the privilege of owner-
handling her to record-breaking specialty
wins. Peter enjoyed calling “PJ,” who was
a true showgirl, the “Marilyn Monroe of
the Afghan world.” He was a great mentor,
and his support and praise encouraged me
to achieve success for us both.
That very litter provided the basis for
his success in Afghans. He had the wisdom
to periodically bring in slightly different
bloodlines, enhancing his line and allow-
ing him to enjoy further success through
the decades.
Peter was raised in New Jersey and, at
a young age, excelled at figure skating. He
was also an accomplished artist, focusing
on abstract expressionism and teaching art
at all levels. He received a Ph.D. in art from
Columbia University. He loved painting,
sculpting, and teaching. Many dog enthu-
siasts collected his artwork. Peter bred over
185 Afghan champions, including one of
the top three All-Time Sires of the Breed,
BIS Ch. Elmo’s Tutankhamun. In addi-
tion, there were countless more that were
by his famous dams and sires. Further, his
dogs were the foundation of many success-
ful kennels. Peter also judged in the US
and abroad at many prestigious venues.
Peter shared his vast knowledge with
others unselfishly. His positive energy
and enthusiasm for beautiful things were
contagious. He spent precious time with
pet owners and top breeders alike, and
maintained a consistent elegant Elmo type
and movement over the decades, from the
golden era of Afghans through the pres-
ent. He was quite discerning between the
type of show Afghan that was common,
thus unacceptable, and one with true type,
proper head and eye, flowing movement,
and proud carriage and temperament.
Though he was an accomplished art-
ist, he also loved promoting other artists
any chance he could. He was always very
supportive of my art. I looked forward
to sharing pictures of my sculptures with
him for his impressions. He was unafraid
to speak and write what he felt because he
knew some things had to be said by some-
one who cared in order to make positive
changes in a breed or the dog show world.
Peter gave so much to others without
asking for anything in return – whether
it was precious pearls of wisdom on the
breed, judging fairly, breeding wisely,
& His Elmo Afghans
By Susan Bahary
BIS Ch. Elmo’s Blue Graffitti by BIS Ch. Coastwind
Graffitti x Khamelot’s Portia Panache. Bred by
Peter Belmont and Gordon BF McDowell.
Photo by GM4PhotoDesigns
BIS/SBIS Ch. Elmo’s Tutankhamun-”Tut”-Top Elmo Stud Dog and 3rd All-time Top-Producing
sire in breed (Ch. Scarabet Magic Maverick x Ch. Shikari’s Tosca Blue)
Photo by GM4PhotoDesign
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