Page 53 - ShowSight Presents - The French Bulldog
P. 53

                  An example of topline and silhouette.
This is an example of proper ear set.
Let’s explore the “slight rise over the loin.” Close behind the shoulders there should be a slight downward curve to the back grad- ually rising to the top of the loins. If you feel along the spine you will note that the vertebrae begin to change direction at the first lumbar vertebra, just past the last rib. It is a gentle rise. If the rise begins before the first lumbar then you have an incorrect camel back.
A sway back is also incorrect as it starts at the loin and goes straight uphill to the tail. Of course, a dog that has a flat back without the distinctive rise over the loin is incorrect. It is very important to understand the top line. Please take the time to evaluate it properly as it is vital to the silhouette.
The large square head with the distinc- tive bat ears is made up of many compo- nents that come together to typify our breed and its personality.
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The Head
Move to the front of the table to view the head. The head should be large and square. The top of the head between the ears is flat with the forehead slightly rounded. The standard says the head should be in harmony with the short heavy body.
The eyes should be round and dark and set low on the head without any visible white when looking straight ahead. They have an expression of intelligence and curi- osity. A bulging eye or almond shape is not desirable. In lighter colored dogs a lighter eye is acceptable – but never a “light” eye.
The bat ear is distinctive for the breed – anything other than a bat ear is a disquali- fication. The ears are broad at the base and elongated, open to the front and have round- ed tips. They are set high on the head and carried erect. The ears are properly set at the 11:00 and 1:00 o’clock position. Judge the ears as the dog is moving and when he
returns to you. It is a disservice to the dog to attempt evaluation of the ears while on the table.
The muzzle should be broad, deep and well laid back with the muscles of the cheeks well developed. The standard says the under jaw is deep, square, broad, undershot and well turned up. Use your hand to feel the curving sweep of the jawline. There should be a square appearance to the head not round. Shallow cheeks or narrow jawlines are not desirable.
Be careful in examining the mouth. Use your thumbs to flip up the lips to view the undershot bite. Don’t attempt to pry the mouth open. When the mouth is closed, neither the tongue nor teeth should be seen. Flews black, thick and broad, hang- ing over the lower jaw at the sides, meeting the underlip in front and covering the teeth, which are not seen when the mouth is closed. A wry mouth is undesirable as it will dis-
“It is very important to

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