The Beagle Today
Over the last 10 years, we have seen a
renaissance in the Beagle conformation
ring. The use of the internet is bringing
changes to breeding practices by expanding
breeding options and thus expanding the
gene pool of the Beagle’s that are now
being exhibited.
The National Beagle Club of America
Speciality has taken on an international
flavor. We now see Beagles from many
parts of the world competing at our annual
Specialty Show. This has resulted in better
moving dogs and bitches, both in side gate
and coming and going. There is an overall
improved make up and balance of our
hounds and with many a beautiful head
piece that puts a smile on this writer’s face.
These advances in quality breed
development is due in part to breeders
having the opportunity to communicate
with each other all over the world. Not
only can we view still photos of dogs but
also see their movement and interaction
with people through the magic of video.
If we want to breed to a sire who lives on
the other side of the world, live semen
can be shipped to our door in less than
We as breeders have the opportunity
to paint that perfect picture from a
garden of beautiful Beagles from all over
the globe!
There is an overall improved make up and balance
of our hounds and with many a beautiful head piece
ThAT puTS A SmiLE On ThiS wRiTER’S fAcE.”
Ted Swedalla lives with his wife
Terri and their Beowulf Beagles and
German Shepherd Dogs in Middle Island,
New York. Ted is retired from the
wholesale plumbing and heating supply
business which he started with his partner
in 1977. The business is still going strong
years later. When Ted is not ringside at
a dog show, he can be found in their kennel
working with the dogs or in his workshop
building furniture and making dog crates.
You can learn more about their Beagles at
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