In 1909, the breed was first exhibited
in Munich, Germany, as Reisenschnau-
zers, the name they are still given today
in Europe. The dogs were also called
Muchener, or Munich Schnauzers,
because of their popularity in the town of
Munich. Even at this early first show, the
judge was confronted with two different
types of coat. Along with the rough coat-
ed dogs, there were exhibits with long,
smooth hair, dubbed Russerls or Bear
Schnauzers. In the end, a coarsely haired
black male, was chosen as the best repre-
sentative of the breed.
The Giant Schnauzers characteristics
were greatly valued by the local stock
breeders, butchers, and brewery owners,
his greatest asset being that of a steadfast
guard. As well as being used to herd and
move the livestock, his intelligence and
sharpness was used to guard his master’s
possessions and to accompany and pro-
tect wagons in travel. With the decline
of cattle driving, the Giant Schnauzer’s
strong agile body, active, alert, and reliable
temperament, made him noticed by the
police and law enforcement services, and
he soon began a new career in the field of
guard and police work. In 1925, the breed
received official designation in Germany as
a working dog.
In 1910, called the birth year of the
Giant Schnauzer, the German Stud Book
entered 9 Munich Schnauzers. Four were
pepper/salt, three were black, one was
brown/yellow and one was grey/yellow.
There was a conglomeration of types,
colors, hair textures, and sizes. After
this, as the type came closer to that of
the Standard Schnauzer, the name Giant
Schnauzer was adopted. Gradually breed-
ers selected two color varieties, black and
pepper/salt, with the black soon becom-
ing dominant.
The Giant Schnauzer made slow prog-
ress in North America when it was first
imported in the 1920s. He arrived at the
time the German Shepherd Dog was at
the peak of his popularity. The AKC gave
them recognition in 1930 and the CKC
had the first two Giants registered in 1934.
Form & Function—Character
The Giant Schnauzer has always been
praised for his intelligence. Along with his
spirit, alertness and reliability, the Giant
has a robust and agile build. Although, his
name is “Giant”, this is not technically a
giant breed. He is simply the largest of the
three Schnauzer breeds, being the giant
among them.
While the Standard Schnauzer has
been held strictly to its original size by
setting a disqualification in the standard,
the size of the Giant has been allowed
to increase gradually over the past thirty
years, from a range of 21½"-25½", to the
present 23½"-25½" for females and 25½"-
27½" for males. For the show ring, size
might seem impressive, but few breeders
and owners want to see the Giant push-
ing the maximums. The standard clearly
states mediums preferred. In his duties as
police and army service, he must have the
weight and strength for “man-work”. If he
is too large and heavy, he would lack the
required speed and agility. If too slight and
light, he would lack the power.
The primary function of a Giant
Schnauzer these days is being a devoted
family member, a guardian of the home
and an enthusiastic performance dog.
These functions require a dog with a sound
temperament and a reliable, responsive
disposition. Giant Schnauzers are an excel-
lent choice for those wanting a willing and
active companion, but they are not the
right choice for everyone. They are a domi-
nant dog and can quickly take control if
given the chance. It is essential they learn
basic obedience and understand their posi-
tion in the household, which is their pack.
Their legal position in this pack is below all
the humans. Once the order is established,
they are great family dogs and reliable,
devoted companions. Although they are
alert and watchful towards strangers, they
are basically non-aggressive and are excel-
lent natural guard dogs. They are most
happy when they are with you, having a
willingness to please. They do best with
mental stimulation and lots of exercise.
continued on page 190
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