Many Giant Schnauzers are still in
careers of service to man. They are used
in police and army forces for tracking,
guarding and protection. Search and res-
cue Giant Schnauzers were deployed in the
1985 earthquake in Mexico City and the
911 attack in New York City. Currently,
they are successful participants in every
known dog activity, pet/people therapy,
agility, obedience, backpacking, carting,
drug and bomb detection, herding, schutz-
hund, sledding, skijoring, tracking and
boating—just to name a few. They are a
versatile, willing working dog.
Judging Considerations
The Giant Schnauzer can be a confus-
ing breed to understand. There are many
different visual inconsistencies that meet
the eye.
First of all, it must be understood that
the Giant is a working dog. He was bred
for a purpose and his size must reflect
this. He should be strongly built, sturdy
and well muscled. The standard states, “A
robust, more heavy set than a slender dog”.
He should have more bone than a Dober-
man and less than a Rottweiler. The desire
for elegance and eye appeal in the show
ring should not allow a build that is tall
and narrow, too slight or racy or weedy. In
an analogy to the horse, a Giant Schnauzer
should be compact with plenty of substance
for his size, like a Quarter horse or Polo
pony. He should neither be like a heavy
draft horse, or like a tall, long-legged Thor-
oughbred race horse. The Giant Schnauzer
must be agile and quick on his feet, having
himself all together when gaited on a loose
lead, as well as when stacked or posed.
In being a sturdy dog, the Giant should
have a strong head. It should appear to be
large and sufficiently wide to accommodate
strong cheek muscles without being bulky.
And, for this head, which is half the length
of the back, the neck must be strong also.
The tall, elegant specimen, with a narrow
long head and a thin exaggerated neck is
not the breed’s outline. The neck should
be strong, well arched, of moderate length
and not directly upright of the shoulders.
Fronts have always been a weakness
in the breed. The correct shoulder angu-
lation, with proper return of upper arm,
broad chest and strong sternum is very
much desired. The Giant Schnauzer is not
a terrier and it should have no appearance
of a terrier front. A properly built Giant
Schnauzer will move smoothly, covering
ground with long efficient strides, dem-
onstrating good reach, to balance a strong
driving rear. A dog that lowers his head and
turns his ears back when in full stride is
“First of all, it must
be understood that the
Giant is a working dog.
He was bred for
a purpose and
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