always instantly obeyed. Because of their
keen hunting instincts, hunt terriers have
a remarkable ability to key in on some-
thing and tune out everything else around
them. That includes their owners’ com-
mands. Training must be fast-paced, fun
and designed to take advantage of the Bor-
der’s natural intelligence and curiosity. They
catch on quickly and become bored with
repetition. Keep training sessions short and
vary the exercises. Terriers enjoy not know-
ing what’s coming next, the excitement and
mental challenge of problem solving. If you
make training too easy, terriers will find
something more interesting to do.
Border Terriers are highly food-moti-
vated. Use food treats liberally rather than
correcting mistakes. Correction will sim-
ply make them more stubborn. Use posi-
tive motivation and reward them gener-
ously when they’ve done right. For terriers,
training must be fun or they will simply
refuse to learn. Indeed, the pursuit of fun
is the Border’s main goal in life. Anything
that prevents them from having a good
time becomes an obstacle to overcome.
Being very smart and curious, they are able
to figure things out quickly and are easily
bored by standard obedience classes. With
skill and patience, Border Terriers can be
trained to meet the high standards for
advanced obedience competition.
Socialize your Border during pup-
pyhood and adolescence. Some may go
through bashful periods. Let him see,
hear, investigate and get used to new sights
and sounds. Take him places and expose
him to the activities he will participate in
as an adult dog. Continuing socialization
is important at this time and through-
out young adulthood so your dog does
not become introverted, fearful or defen-
sive towards other dogs. Take care not to
allow circumstances to occur which might
cause your Border to become defensive or
get into a fight. Though not aggressive by
nature, if challenged, they will fight and
likely hold grudges against aggressors.
As rugged and hard as the Border
sounds, its heart is soft. Borders like to stay
out of trouble! They are usually good with
children—tolerant and patient; but, chil-
dren must not torment them, hurt them,
interfere when they are eating or become
frantic. Border Terriers are known to leap
up and give a quick, gentle nip on the arm
or wrist when they are excited or when chil-
dren dash by. Teach children to appropri-
ately play and give attention and affection
to your dog.
Overall, Border Terriers are a healthy,
long-lived breed. They need sufficient
exercise to keep them fit and happy. Long
walks on a leash are best in the country
or the city. Excursions can be interspersed
with yard time. Be careful that yard time is
limited and does not become boring. The
Border Terrier has an active, working heri-
tage and likes to have something to do.
Anyone who likes terriers should enjoy
a Border. They have pleasant personalities,
are easy to care for and have an irresist-
ible impish appearance. They are a rare
and ‘unspoiled’ breed that makes a splen-
did companion. They are definitely a dog
lover’s dog.
Annette Neff has been breeding Border
Terriers under the Wildwood prefix since
1993 and is an AKC breeder of Merit.
Many of her Wildwood dogs have
received AKC Championships, Perfor-
mance and Companion titles. She is very
active with her Border Terriers in AKC dog
sports including conformation, obedience,
rally, agility and Earthdog. Annette is also
an AKC Earthdog judge.
She operates Pet Behavior Associates,
a dog training and behavioral consulting
business—having been a dog behaviorist
and trainer for over thirty years. Annette
belongs to Obedience and Agility Train-
ing Clubs and instructs in obedience, rally
and agility.
Annette has served on the BOD of the
Border Terrier Club of America for nearly
9 years and produced the club newslet-
ter, the “Borderline” for over 7 years. She
is also the Treasurer for a regional club,
the Border Terrier Club of Central Ohio
(BTCCO) and direct rescue operations as
Vice President of the North American Bor-
der Terrier Welfare.
Annette lives with eleven Border terri-
ers that make her smile every day! She can
be reached via
questions or comments.
terriers are
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