Page 104 - ShowSight - January 2020
P. 104

                  MICHELLE SCOTT continued
 I have little faith in airlines and baggage handlers. I’ve used both soft sided and hard sided suitcases when I’ve had to check a bag. Hard sided suitcases break so I went back to a soft sided cloth suit- case. I like pockets so it worked for me. Until this week. My suitcase and its contents are soaking wet. Yes, it was raining in Toronto when we left but there is absolutely no excuse for the luggage to get that wet. Beyond to- tally wrapping the bag in plastic, does anyone have a better solution? Lynda Torrance I pack everything in packing cubes, and hang up clothes stay in their dry cleaning bags. Never a problem soft sided luggage
Jolanda van Vliet- Noble I have a hard suitcase, bought some 24 years ago, been around the world a few times, never had any issue. Best invest- ment ever.
Allison Hardie Suit- case covers! I bought mine on amazon. I also use packing cubes every thing stays or- ganized
Trixie Breen I pack
my suitcase in dry
cleaning bags AND a
clear lawn bag—every-
thing inside stays dry.
With carry ons now I
NEVER volunteer to
gate check and IF
They try to take the bag I explain I have medicine etc that has to stay with me. Cassandra Robak You know the zipper bags that you get new sheets? I keep those. I put everything in these little plas- tic zip up bags so nothing gets soaked.
Not everyone is cut out to show dogs.
It’s long days and short nights. It’s hurry up and then wait. It’s hours and hours of the same thing over and over. It’s hot and humid one day and freezing cold the next. It’s tired feet. It’s eating whatever you can hold onto easily while you are doing four other things! It’s dirty finger-
Thanks to Wendy Talintyre for sharing pictures of her Standard Poodle female. Left, top to bottom: 3 months in the first picture, 7 months, 11 months; below 18 months, and nearly 3 years.
     nails and stained hands. It’s being covered in sweat, dog hair and chalk.
It’s not always glamorous.
It IS, however...Learning to persevere when you don’t think you can. Learning humility. Learning sportsmanship. Learning responsibility. Learning to run wide open on no sleep. Learning to put the dogs’ needs first and your own, second. Learning patience. Learning respect Learning what dedication is. But ost of all, IT’S NEVER DULL!
Here’s to everyone that shares this crazy passion!
—AKC Reg’d Handlers Program
My kids learned early on in life to never say they were bored or lonely—there was always work to do and that meant they had time to do it. (lol) I'm too   curious and I love books so being bored or lonely seldom occurs. Besides, I love my alone time! It's quiet, I can breathe and meditate—it's soothing for me.
Take a moment today to enjoy some alone time. You’ll emergd refreshed and re-energized, Have a great month!
96 • ShowSight Magazine, January 2020
—Michelle Scott

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