Page 231 - ShowSight - February 2020
P. 231

                  Do we hope our breed will change in popularity? Our breed is definitely not a breed for everyone. They do require a certain household and a certain personality to be a good fit. That being said, they are a wonderful, adaptable, and trainable breed. There are many homes out there that would be a great fit for our dogs but they just don’t know about them yet. We most certainly hope this will change as we would hate for our beloved breed’s gene pool to shrink in size as has happened with so many others.
Does the average person recognize our breed? Most of the time no, but we have noticed more and more people lately that will sur- prise you. They are a breed that finally does seem to be gaining some recognition from the general public.
What qualities in the field also come in handy around the house? Hands down, their undying love and loyalty. The Black Russian is the most empathetic and intuitive breed we have ever come across. The Black Russian also has an incredible innate ability to protect, and the intelligence to understand the difference between what could or could not be a threat when given the proper leadership.
What about our breed makes them an ideal companion? Best part about a Black Russian is their ability to mold themselves to your life. Whether you live in an apartment or have a five acre farm, the BRT has a knack for fitting into your life when given the proper time and training.
They are a large powerful dog with a strong protection drive in some lines. This drive may not truly manifest itself until the dogs reach two years of age and this can catch some people by surprise and they need to be prepared to deal with this in an appropriate manner.
It is important that the proper ground work through training and socialization is laid early and often.
Are there any misconceptions about our breed? While they are absolutely not a breed for everyone they have been given a bad rap and an unfair reputation for being aggressive at all times and not okay with strangers and this is most certainly not the case. With proper breeding, socialization, and training they can be wonderful companions with solid steady temperaments.
What special challenges do BRT breeders face? There are a lot of perspective owners out there looking for a Black Russian Terrier that do not realize that there are quite a few reputable breeders in the USA and Canada that are working hard to improve our breed. Many people will automatically look overseas and this is a shame.
It is also important that those of us breeding in the USA main- tain a good relationship with multiple breeders in the country of origin so we do not lose sight of their knowledge, expertise, and mentorship. We need to be willing and able to set aside our differ- ences to work toward a common goal. Constant in-fighting is not helpful and will ultimately solve nothing.
One example of this is health testing. We can not make improve- ments as a whole until more people are being open and honest about
problems. This does not mean you have to take a “throw the baby out with the bath water” approach, this can also be detrimental in limiting our gene pool. We do, however, need to have knowledge so we can make informed decisions.
At what age do we start to see definite signs of show-worthiness? We evaluate our pups at around 8 or 10 weeks dependent on the litter. At this age we feel you have a pretty good idea of the pups structure. However, we never stop evaluating our dogs.
What is the most important thing about our breed for a new judge to keep in mind? Form follows function! The Black Russian is not a lumbering dog. They should be able to move with power. They should have balanced reach and drive, and a solid top line. Study not only the AKC standard but the FCI and RKF standards as well.
What’s the best way to attract newcomers to our breed and to the sport? We need to be sure to keep it fun for people. No one wants to keep doing something over and over if they feel like they are constantly surrounded by negativity. Even if we may have differ- ences of opinions as breeders and exhibitors we must remember to always treat each other with dignity, respect, and kindness. Things can be emotional in dog sports at times and we all have moments where we may forget these principles, but we need to remember to also recognize when we fail in this and go back and apologize.
Breeders also need to be willing to share their best dogs and best knowledge with the newcomers, only by doing this can we all grow as a whole.
What is our ultimate goal for the breed? Our breeding goal is to first and foremost make a positive contribution to the breed as a whole! We think this breed is something quite special and we strive to always move our breeding stock and breeding program in a posi- tive and balanced direction, this is important not just for ourselves but for the survival and wellbeing our cherished breed. We aim to improve overall health while maintaining excellence in conforma- tion, temperament and never losing sight of what the breed was made to do, this is a balancing act and improvements take time.
Our dogs can be used for service work, therapy work, showing, doing serious protection work, and of course just being the perfect family companion. They are a wonderful and versatile breed that are wonderful to live with for people that are willing to put in the necessary work of socializing and training. It is also important to recognize that some lines are going to produce harsher tempera- ments than others and this is perfectly acceptable. It is important to recognize those lines that will do okay in a less experienced home and those lines that absolutely require more experienced hands. It is also acceptable to be breeding both this keeps our breed adaptable.
Is there anything else I’d like to share about the breed? Life with a Black Russian is never dull! Give them what they need to thrive and they will reword you tenfold in kind!
Black Russian Terrier Q & A
 “The Black Russian is the most empathetic and intuitive breed we have ever come across.
The Black Russian also has an incredible innate ability to protect, and the intelligence to understand the difference between what could or could not be a threat when given the proper leadership.”
 ShowSight Magazine, February 2020 • 229

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