Page 124 - ShowSight - June 2020
P. 124

   An AKC celebrated 50+ year judge, Sally Futh, awards her choice for Best of Breed with a copy of John Buddie’s recently published and valued Collie book, Master Class. Laurie Jeff Greer handling. Sitting ringside are SDCC Show Chair, Janine Walker-Keith, and Joan Armitage from Flagstaff, enjoying every minute.
Elaine Goto-Tamae and her mother, Tomie Goto, are not strangers to the Sport of Dogs. They have bred and shown Collies successfully since Elaine was a young teenager, and later known well for owning and handling the top- winning Collie in breed history, Ch. Shoreham Triumph Timeless.
she often said Collies would always remain her first love. Bernice Richardson was also a Bichon Frise fancier, authored a book about Bichons, bred and exhibited Toy and Miniature Poodles and was licensed to judge Collies, Border Collies, Bichons and Poodles. She also owned a tri-color brother of the well-known and top-winning Collie, Ch. San Lori Mac D, bred by the Walkers.
The SDCC dedicated their 2019 specialty show to Bernice Richardson as she was the last founding member to pass away. She was 90 years old.
The four original founding members devoted a lifetime to the betterment of purebred dogs. They developed a strong foundation for the SDCC that grew in size to 25-30 members during the first 30 years when most all members were actively exhibiting and put- ting on a yearly specialty show with large entries such as the 1970 specialty show with 45 Futurity puppies and 163 entries in the regular classes.
The 2020 San Diego Collie Club event celebrated the founding of the club that has supported the best interest of the Collie for 70 years. If not for the founding members’ wonderful guidance, more than likely, the San Diego Collie Club would not exist today, as we know it. An organization is nothing more than the collective capacity of its founding people to create value...and that they DID!
Although today’s club is small in active members it is an experi- enced and energetic group that has remained amicable and devoted since the late 1960s, which is so essential in the support of our breed. Club members Lynda and Jack Powers, AKC Delegate and judge Andrew Gene Mills and Maryellen Mills, Janine and Dale Keith, and the late Monica Stinson and Judy Colaianni, carried the club for nearly 40 years with recent assistance from Gloria Laube, Erin Matthews, Connie and Maureen Grosky and the late Dennis Fyda.
Club President, Dale Keith, and your author ‘all smiles’ after such a successful anniversary weekend.
     Saturday afternoon Judge Jackie Caruso with Ring Steward Connie Grosky.

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