Page 101 - ShowSight, November 2020
P. 101

                 RUTH DEHMEL
  Ruth Dehmel sits with Ch. Rendition Royale, “Mr. Darcy.”
Ruth Dehmel of Clio, Michigan, is both a self-taught artist and an accomplished breeder. Her Rendition English Springer Spaniels began in 1973, with many influential breed and all-breed winners produced through the years. In 2006, Ch. Felicity’s Diamond Jim CD, RAE (Ch. Telltale Davey Jones x Am./Can. Ch. Rendition Autumfire Poppy), co-bred and co-owned by Ruth, was awarded Best in Show at the AKC Eukanuba Championship. The following year, “James” was awarded Best in Show at Westminster. The liver and white dog was also the National Specialty winner in 2006 & 2007. In 2011, Ch. Rendition Royale (Ch. Rendition Autumfire Armstrong x Autumfire Rendition) was Winners Dog, Best of Winners, and Best Bred-By-Exhibitor at the ESSFTA national.
Ruth also loves to produce artwork in a variety of artistic disciplines. (Her talents include the fine arts as well as the art of breeding fine dogs.) “I enjoy all mediums,” Ruth says of the dog art she’s been producing since she was in junior high. “I do oil painting when I have time,” she goes on to say about her diverse portfolio that includes portraiture as well as ceram- ics. “My passion for the past several years has been sculpting in clay,” she reports. “I use a stoneware, and they are one of a kind.” Ruth’s figurines go through three high firings in a kiln. “The first firing is to get the moisture out of the clay and the figure is then hard,” she explains. “The second pro- cess, the figure is painted with an underglaze that is the color. The figure is fired again, and the last process is applying the glaze that gives it a glass finish.” The multi-talented breeder/artist has recently ventured into bronze metalwork with the creation of a standing Springer. Ruth also enjoys pho- tography, and her talents include graphic design, allowing her to create memorable ad layouts. “I am also currently co-chair on our Judges Educa- tion, revising our Illustrated Standard,” she adds. Now that’s the kind of project that will allow Ruth to utilize her many gifts.
Pointer. Oil, 11 X 14 ins.
 Doberman Pinscher. Oil, 11 x 14 ins.

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