Page 18 - ShowSight Presents The Akita
P. 18

                JUDGING THE AKITA
After walking the ring and deciding my pat- tern for the day, I bring in the first class. I like to bring them in and have a look at them all before moving. While most exhibitors are aware, keep in mind a little space between dogs is the norm. Looking down the line, its my opportunity to get an idea of proportion, size and balance. I review some key words from the standard; alert, dignified, large and powerful. Then, I send them around together. As they go, I compare the side gaits of the group. Here I’m looking for powerful, brisk and a moderate stride. As they come around to the designated stopping point I am ready to go over my first dog.
The dog has been set up and I stand back so I can look at his general propor- tions. The tail is curled over the back and will balance the head.The top line is level. Akitas are longer than tall. In dogs, as 10 is to 9. In bitches, as 11 is to 9.
I walk in front of the dog, stopping short of being straight in front. Here I’m within their vision and they know I’m approaching. As I approach I usually give a good morning with a smile to the han- dler but I’m actually addressing the dog. A confident glance of the head taking note of head shape, ears, eyes, nose and length of muzzle, not staring into his eyes, starts my examination. Then we go into the actual hands on.
His HEAD is massive but in balance with the body. It looks like a blunt tri- angle. It will be free of wrinkle when he is at ease. The skull is flat between the ears. I will fault a snipey or narrow head. The EARS are carried slightly forward. They are triangular, strong, thick and well furred, with slightly rounded tips. Our first DQ is here (#1); Drop or broken ears are to be disqualified. The EYES are tri- angular in shape, small tight, black rims and dark brown in color. The MUZZLE is broad and strong. The distance from his nose to his stop as to the distance from stop to occiput is 2 to 3. His NOSE is broad and black although we do allow a lighter nose with or without shading of black or gray on a white Akita. A dog with a partial or total lack of pigmentation is another of our Disqualifications. (DQ #2) At our JEC seminars, we like to say the head is a symphony of triangles.
Bite: I generally ask the handler to show me the bite. An Akita should have a scis- sors bite although a level bite is acceptable. We do have a disqualification for either over shot or undershot. (DQ #3) Since we don’t have a disqualification for missing teeth and complete dentition is not men- tioned in the standard I don’t ask for more than a bite check.
I move on to the body. The shoulders are strong and powerful, with a moderate layback. The front legs are heavy boned and straight. The depth of the chest is 1/2 the height of the dog. I run my hand across his top line. It is level. Leaving my hand on the dog, i step on around to his rear, lift- ing his tail if it impedes my checking his
It looks like a blunt triangle.”
By Nancy Amburgery
although a level bite is acceptable.”

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